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Spravedlivé transformace v uhelných regionech EU


Zveme vás na workshop, který pořádá Centre for Transport and Energy spolu s dalšími organizacemi v Praze.

Společně se bude debatovat o revitalizaci uhelných regionů a energetiky.  Mezi účastníky budou zahraniční hosté z akademické půdy, nevládní organizace, i regionální politici. Registrace možná zde

Energy SHIFTS scoping workshop jointly co-hosted by E3G,the Jagiellonian
University (Krakow) and CDE, actively supported by CEE Bankwatch

There is a broad realisation that coal and eventually fossil fuel need to be phased out of the
European energy system and industry processes. There are well recognised regions in Europe
where energy production, industry output and local communities heavily rely on the use of
different types of coal. Their income, work and the whole regional economy is dependent of
that local resource. For the affected communities the phase out of coal recalls many
unsuccessful transitions, especially in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) where social issues still
remain a challenge.

In this regard, social innovations are considered as sustainable energy transitions enablers that
offer alternative ways of organizing, thinking and doing. Equally relevant are governance
innovations, which can increase the transition’s inclusivity, transparency and democracy and
thus citizen engagement. While the diversity of social innovations required is widely
recognised, their success, contributions and future potential are not self-evident nor
predetermined (e.g. automatically leading to greater social acceptance of energy transitions).
This workshop aims to unpack the role of social innovations in the transitions of carbon
intensive regions with a mixed group of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working
on that topic in a highly interactive setting.

The main issues we hope to address will be related to:

1. Understanding and defining “just transition“: From just a transition towards a
truly just transition
● Locating social injustices and identifying solutions?
● Who are left behind and ignored and how to integrate their voice?
● How fair the processes of remediation of such injustices are?

2. Explore different pathways leading to a successful and inherently just transition

3. Develop a set of recommendations for EU level and national policy makers as
well as local representatives and communities

We invite you to critically think together and learn from one another on how to bring forward
energy transitions by examining the practices, contributions and challenges of social
innovations as a driving factor. We will openly share and discuss on-going research and

practice on social innovation in the transitions and possibly co-author a viewpoint article as a
collective output.

Workshop participants and outputs
The workshop will gather policy-workers from the European Commission and associated
bodies, energy-SSH researchers, advisory groups, and energy technologists with an appetite to
engage with SSH. Discussions will directly feed into a recommendations-based report that will
be submitted to the European Commission’s energy strategy unit in the Directorate-General
for Research & Innovation (EC DG RTD). It will also be published online in open access at the
end of September 2019.

Energy-SHIFTS: project background
Energy-SHIFTS (Energy Social sciences & Humanities Innovation Forum Targeting the SET-Plan)
will contribute to a European Energy Union that places societal needs centrally, by further
developing Europe’s leadership in using and applying energy-SSH. The forum is funded by EU

Horizon 2020 and runs between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2021. The first phase of Energy-
SHIFTS involves a range of scoping activities, which includes four workshops. All four

workshops seek to (1) connect with interested groups and prospective collaborators; (2) hear
wider perspectives on key themes that will likely reappear throughout the project; and (3)
provide recommendations for the Energy-SHIFTS project and for EC DG RTD. Evidence was
selected as one workshop theme because of Energy-SHIFTS being designed to provide and
catalyse energy-SSH research evidence to policy audiences, and thus it is appropriate that we
unpick upfront some of the assumptions about the production and use of evidence.




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